Returning to Work After a Workers’ Compensation Injury

You have been out of work as a result of a workplace accident and are now considering a return to your job. Although you may feel ready, it is important to understand the potential legal implications of doing so, as well as how this action could impact your workers' compensation benefits or settlement. In the following article we examine these topics in addition to ways of protecting your claim upon returning to work.
How Do You Know When You Should Go Back to Work?
First and foremost, if you were injured while working, you should not push yourself to return to work without being cleared by a medical professional. Ensure your doctor understands your line of work and its physical and mental demands are so that they can accurately decide whether or not you are ready to go back. In the event you and your doctor disagree, it would be an appropriate time to secure a workers' compensation attorney to assist with your case.
Regardless, your employer or their insurance company will need a document from your treating physician that releases you either to full duty or light duty. This document verifies that you are fit to return to work and outlines any restrictions upon doing so. It also offers you a written record of what was agreed upon by both parties should there be a later dispute between you and your employer.
How Does Going Back to Work Risk My Workers’ Compensation Settlement?
A worker's decision to go back to work does not have any impact on a workers' compensation settlement. The goal of workers' compensation is to ensure everyone returns to work and in a way that mirrors conditions prior to the injury. Any settlement is considered a byproduct of the permanent problems that an injured worker has due to a work injury. For example, the loss of a body part that prevents them from performing their job could potentially lead to a settlement being devised.
Can I Get a Settlement if I Go Back to Work With Restrictions?
Yes, an individual can still obtain a workers' comp settlement even if they missed no time from work. If you have questions about your particular circumstances and how your return to work plan impacts your benefits, it is best to consult with an attorney.
What an Experienced Workers' Comp Legal Team Can Offer
Deciding to work with Shultz Legal, who has been helping Maryland residents since 2017, can make all of the difference. Our team of experts offers you years of experience fighting for just outcomes, in-depth knowledge of Maryland work injury laws, and a personal touch. We are proud to represent individuals seeking the restitution they are deserving of and ensuring their rights are upheld.
Get in touch for a case review using our online form or give our office a call Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM.